Architectural Design Support
  IceCraft - Architectural Design Services Outsource (Launched in 2007)

IceCraft is a leading offshore workshare design solutions provider for the global Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. Welcome to the natural next step in architecture, construction and engineering. Welcome to a place where your project your visions and they are realized to perfection. Welcome to a team who understands the language of building design and delivers exceptional craftsmanship.

Architectural Design Services: offerings
2D Drawings
3D Renderings
Walk-thru Animations
Structural Engineering
Electrical Design
MEP Engineering
Technology Design Services
Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Architectural Design Services


We design and execute projects for the Global Architect.
Our sphere of expertise in the world of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, makes us a leading offshore workshare solution provider.
The global architect always needs to be on the bleeding edge of processes that enhance his capacities as both a thinker and a businessman.
This is exactly where we fit in, partnering visions with the best minds of the industry and a global clientele.
An independent quality assurance and certification group following clearly defined QA test plans and strategies.
Small QC loops to trap errors in the production process.
An open, quality oriented feedback system, similar to quality circles.

Chirag's strong background and understanding in Engineering and IT makes this a natural progression from his earlier ventures. His understanding of global concerns of engineering businesses and their need for a quality conscious, flexible and intelligent partner to outsource convinced him of the urgent need for a Engineering Design Support Outsource unit. Like always his foresight has helped IceNet innovate and gain first mover advantage in the state of Gujarat. Next, the world is his playground.

Current Ventures

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